Welch Family Journal

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Is she worth it?

Poll: Is Tanya worth it?

I have spent the past two days calling all over Searcy. Explaining who I am, who my sister is, and why I'm calling. Hopeing no one thinks I'm a freak adn hangs up on me. All to make sure sweet little 'ol Tanya has houseing for the semester that starts oh in about 4 weeks. So I am taking a poll of whether you think Tanya is worth all that trouble. keep in mind while I am spending all this time and energy on Tanya's houseing situation I am also trying to keep 2 young children fed, happy, and out of trouble. Trying to keep the house somewhat presentable in case someone calls to come see it. So now please leave your comments. Is Tanya worth all this trouble and what should I make her do to make it all up to me? America let your opinions be heard!


At 3:35 PM, Blogger Chad Gardner said...

Let her live on the streets of Searcy... revoke all niece and nephew visitation priviliges...

At 8:28 AM, Blogger Marie said...

Nah...unless you get free babysitting WHEN EVER YOU WANT IT!!!!

At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely not worth it. I personally see no reason she couldn't live in her car.


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