Welch Family Journal

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Lane and Program

This year I took the kids to the 1st Assembly of God's Christmas Lane and Christmas Program. They had soooo much fun! There was free food, free carnival games, free pony rides, free train rides, a free picture with Santa, and a free 2 hour Christmas production. There were several things that made this a wonderful night despite the freezing slush and mist we endured. 1. I rode on the ferris wheel with the kids. If you know me at all, you know this was a HUGE event. I HATE heights! . . . apparently, so does garrett. ;) He was crying before we got on. We made it one turn around then told the man to stop it on our next time around. G and I didn't brave it again. Emma went back with Mrs. Krista and Cauy-boy. 2. Krista and cauy and Anna, Jerrod, and Juju were there! 3. Mrs. Anna and Mr. Jerrod were a highlight in the Christmas Program. Mr. Jerrod did a great job with his zoot suit solo! the kids loved being able to say they knew Anna and Jerrod! Hopefully, next year it won't be raining. either way, we will be back each year!

Emma with Krista and Cauy

A match made in HeavenĀ 

A ride more G's style



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