Garrett went in for his 1 year check-up today. He is doing great!
Here's his stats:
weight: 23 lb 6oz 75%tile (because of his walking)
Head circ: 19inches 90%tile (big brains!)
Height: 31inches 90%tile (is anyone really surprised?)
His ears were clear! His heart and lungs sounded good. He did get an allergy script for seasonal allergies which should help with the sneezing and runny nose. She said he sounds good but at the very first sign of a cough or wheeze I was to put him back on the updraft daily and keep him on it for at least two weeks (maybe longer) from whenever I start.
He can now walk pretty good
He is off the bottle as of yesterday and on sippy cups only
He can say dada, mama, nightnight, duck, and several other sounds that sound like words we just aren't sure which words
He loves to play peek-a-boo and "tickle,tackle, snuggle" with everyone
He's a very happy baby
He's a momma's boy but loves Emma and Isaac sooo very much
He likes to "pat" babys, usually too rough but man he loves the babies
He's been on solid food for a long while and loving every bit of it
He can throw a ball pretty good (Daddy's so happy)
He likes to make car sounds while pushing cars around
He likes to growl for every animal except a monkey which he can do the monkey sound for
He thinks he's 3 years old like Emma and Isaac
He's just a joy to be around.