Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be . . . .ummm . . . never mind. But on the bright side, Matthew gave me my present early b/c he couldn't keep it in any longer. He got me the Wicked book. (the soundtrack I love) and . . . wait for it . . . . wait for it . . . . TICKETS FOR THE SHOW! It's in May and in Dallas. I am soooo excited!!!! Thank you sweetie!!!
Then . . . he gave me two gift cards to take Emma and myself to Sears and go shopping for much needed tops! So, we got to have girls night out tonight. It was great. We went to McDonalds then to Sears. It was getting close to closing time and I get call from Matt saying a certain little man was looking at my recliner and crying. He put me on speaker and when Garrett heard my voice he started looking around more and crying harder. So I knew it was time to pack it in . . . .plus it was almost 8:30 and Emma didn't have a nap today at all. It was a good night. Thanks again Matthew!